
The Real Web Developer Roadmap: Part 1 💻🚀 | How To Become A Web Developer

8,778 Dilihat· 09 Desember 2022
4 Subscriber

Follow this path to learn to code, get hired, and become a web developer this year! Part 1 outlines the basic fundamentals you'll need to learn and the topics you should (and should not bother with) focus on to get hired as a frontend web developer.

2023 UPDATE: This video advice still applies for becoming a web developer in 2023 🙌

🔥 UPDATE ➡ Check out our brand new Web Developer Career Path:

2:45 Who is Andrei Neagoie?!
5:48 Basic Fundamentals
17:15 The Front-End
19:56 The Front-End: HTML5 (setting the table)
23:05 The Front-End: CSS3 (the appetizer)
33:05 The Front-End: Javascript (the meat & potatoes)
58:19 The Front-End: JAMStack


Use my interactive web development roadmap from the video to create your own customized web development learning path or to follow my suggested path 🚀:


In this two-part guide, you're not only going to see the complete web development landscape, how all the various parts are connected and how to become a web developer in 2023. You will also get my recommendations for exactly what to focus on to get hired this year and I'll even teach you a few things along the way rather than just overwhelm you.

Ultimately, this path to becoming a web developer is based on my personal experiences of working as a Software Developer for many years in Toronto and Silicon Valley and from teaching over 400,000 students from around the world to code over the last few years. You should also check out a variety of different sources to find out the right learning path for you.

💡 Key Takeaway: Your goal should be to focus your time on learning the topics and skills you need to get hired as quickly as possible.

Why? 🠪 Your learning doesn't stop once you get hired, in fact, you will learn exponentially more because you'll be getting trained by and working with many experienced developers who have a vested interest in teaching you and the best way to learn is by working on real projects and hard problems... which is exactly what you'll be doing at a company.

The best part? You'll be getting paid (really well) to learn 🤯!


Start learning now with the first 3 sections from my Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery coding bootcamp 👇



If you're serious about making a commitment to becoming a web developer and getting hired at world-class companies like Google, Amazon and Tesla, come join the Zero To Mastery Academy and learn the skills you need to become a web developer in under 6 months 💪


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